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Running injuries

In Articles by ardevio

Out of all the sports we know today, running is probably the most natural and primal way of activating your whole body, and – to our great satisfaction – rarely produces injuries. However, those running injuries that do occur can be very unpleasant. Fortunately, over the years, we have gained a lot of knowledge and information on how to avoid and prevent running injuries, with proper running technique topping this list.

Regardless of how experienced we are, perhaps with many marathons under our belts, there is no invisible shield that can keep us safe from injury. Sometimes, one single misstep can become your worst nightmare, depriving you of the pleasure of running for months. On the other hand, a good warm-up, stretch, and a wise choice in running shoes, combined with the proper running technique, can keep you safe for many years.

Let’s check out some of the most common running injuries, with tips to prevent and avoid them, as well as some practical treatment information.

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What to do when you get injured?

In Articles by ardevio

According to the Journal of Sports Therapy running injuries stand in the seventh place, after some team and combat sports. The statistics is based on injuries reported and treated at A&E departments. However, there are numerous minor injuries that do not require consulting a doctor. No matter how severe an injury is: immediate reacting is crucial.

To be able to return to your running routine after a soft tissue injury like a contusion, strain, torn muscle fibre or sprained ligament as soon as possible, follow the RICE method. It will help to treat symptoms of pain, swelling, and haematoma, but will not shake of fractures in bones. If you think your injury is ready for a doctor, do not hesitate to pay him a visit.

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Autumn running tips

In Articles by ardevio

Many runners will say that their favorite running season is autumn. The crisp air, the kaleidoscope of bright colors, and the crunching under the feet just call for a run. Probably you are thinking now: yeah right, what about the grim weather and gloom? We all know that in fact there is no such thing as bad weather, but only bad clothing. Well, just like every season in the year, there are a few quirks to running in autumn that we want to point out for you. Enjoy our autumn running tips.

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Autumn shoe guide

In Articles by ardevio

During the transition from summer to autumn or winter it is essential to add some layers of functional clothing. We do not have to think hard to figure that out, since the temperatures itself force us to dress warmer. But choosing the right running shoes for autumn often comes out of focus.

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Long Slow Distance training (LSD)

In Articles by ardevio

The method of Long Slow Distance training (LSD training) was developed by the German Ernst van Aaken in 1940s and was according to Tim Noakes later rediscovered by Joe Henderson who labelled this kind of training as “long slow distance” or LSD training.

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3 ways to improve your running technique

In Articles by ardevio

Once ignored, running technique is now intensively discussed all over the internet, from chat forums to website articles. One can become quite overwhelmed by the amount of advices and discussions on how to, but there is a general agreement on the fact that running technique can be taught and improved, resulting in less injuries and improving your speed.

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5 core exercises no runner should skip

In Articles by ardevio

Running workout without strength training increases injury risk in the long term. Sato and Mokha (2009) conducted a study identifying the effectiveness of core strength training on improving athletic performance. The results have shown faster times in the 5000 m runners after 6 weeks of core body exercise compared to the control group. Many more studies have been carried out in this field, only to prove how important core strength training is, so start with this 5 core exercises. Today.

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Top 4 running places you want to avoid

In Articles by ardevio

We all know that running around big cities after dark is not safe. If you still prefer late hours running, wear bright clothes and headlamps, or even better, run in small groups. Nevertheless, there are still areas in Central London, which we would recommend you to avoid. Here are top 5 running places you want to avoid.

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The advantages of training in small groups

In Articles by ardevio

»Birds fly, fish swim, humans run«. Emil Zatopek wanted to point out that running is natural to humans and they have been running since the beginning of time. Everybody can do it but let us focus on why a training in small groups is the key to your personal training success.

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How to stay motivated?

In Articles by ardevio

Set goals

Having an objective to pursue will offer you a reason to discover time for your exercise. The absence of an objective will unavoidably bring about bad quality exercises and skipped exercises. Objectives are either long term or short-term. You ought to have both. A short-term objective will offer you a more near and quantifiable goal to pursue. A long term’s objective will offer you a crucial and significant accomplishment to anticipate. Short-term objectives could vary from 1 day up to a number of months. A long term objective is generally a minimum of numerous months away, however could be as long as a year. Instances of short-term objectives are extending your long term by 2 miles or including one quality exercise weekly. Instances of a long term objective could possibly be to enhance your 10K time by one min or completing a marathon.

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